Managing COVID-19

We have carried out a thorough risk assessment so that our pupils and staff can to return safely to school. Please click on the button to download and view our document in full.

Catch-up Premium Funding

A grant has been allocated to support with our return to school after lockdown.

Please click on the button to download and view how we plan to spend this grant and how we will assess the effect it is having on the educational attainment of our pupils.

Taking care of one another

At Alvaston Infant and Nursery School we pride ourselves on our committment to one another and the importance we place on mental health and wellbeing.

If you are finding things difficult at this current time, do not struggle alone.
If you are worried about someone do not keep it to yourself.

There is always someone here to help. Please contact us using the details below if you have any concerns or take a look at the resources on the buttons to the right for ideas/organisations that can help further.

Our Remote Learning Plan