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Outdoor Education & Forest Schools in our Curriculum

Mrs Doherty is our Outdoor Curriculum Lead

If you have any questions or would like any more information about Forest Schools in our curriculum, please contact Mrs Doherty on Class Dojo or by email: ldoherty@alvastoni.derby.sch.uk

Our Outdoor Education critical friend is Mrs Ainsworth and our Governor is Viv Neeley.

Statement of Intent for Outdoor Learning:

At Alvaston Infant and Nursery School, we aim to provide a nurturing space that supports children’s well-being by providing and implementing positive outdoor, child- led experiences in a natural setting. The impact of this provision will support children in developing resilience, confidence and independence whilst increasing motivation, co-operation, decision-making and social skills. Promoting a curiosity about the world will further support children’s understanding of the world around us and encourage them to think about the world in a sustainable way as well demonstrating respect for their environment. Children will learn to make informed choices when taking risks, enabling them to develop the ability to self-regulate safely. This is a less formal way of learning in which we are confident all children will reach their full potential.

Knowledge and Skills Progression:

Our NEW Outdoor Education Progression Document and Concept Map are coming soon…