Our School Improvement Plans

Summary for our Children



School Improvement Plan
Summary 2022 - 2023

If you have any suggestions, please use our Online Suggestion Box.

Every half term, I will formally respond to all suggestions, including the children’s, which will be documented in the ‘response section’ below from April 2021. Here you will also find the ‘Powerful Voices’ document, which will be updated once every half term. This will document they key changes which we have implemented as a direct result of your valuable feedback and suggestions.

If you are reading this, you are a stakeholder! Stakeholders are everyone who is part of our school community, whether you are a parent, child, governor, member of staff (current, previous or hoping to join our team) or another valued member of our community. Your views are so important to us and help to drive our school forward to be the ‘best that it can be.’ 

We also want our children to know that the future is theirs. This is their education and their voices will be heard. Outside of my office there is a suggestions box for them to use too. If your child has a suggestion, please encourage them to post it in the box! Thank you for your support, Miss Allen - Head Teacher

Implementation and Evaluation >

You SAID we DID >

Autumn 2022

Autumn Term One: 2021/22

Summer Term Two: 2020/2021