Our overarching aim is to equip every member of our school family to be ‘the best that they can be.’ We strongly believe that Alvaston Infant and Nursery School is a very special place to work, learn and grow. Every individual within our school community is given a wealth of opportunities which enable them to develop and flourish so that they can be ‘the best that they can be’. Our safeguarding practices are robust and all children are given the highest degree of care. The staff’s passion and dedication to learning cascades down on to the children. Our shared vision is to create a happy, safe and nurturing environment where children are inspired to learn and explore their creativity, whilst being encouraged to take ‘responsible risks’. Equality is at the heart of our vision and we strongly believe that all children have an equal entitlement to the provision we offer and we strive to ensure that the needs of the whole child is met, including their academic, physical and mental wellbeing. This oasis of learning ensures that each child has their own bespoke learning journey, where individual talents and attributes are fostered and nurtured. The arts are highly valued as subjects in their own right, but they are also used as a vehicle to enhance outcomes in other subject areas. Our key learning values of resilience, teamwork, creativity, reflection and independence are intertwined in everything that we do. In order to prepare our children for life in the 21st century, we recognise the value of these attributes and nurture them so that children become caring and helpful members of society, and they are optimistic about their future. Children have ownership of their learning and the curriculum it is tailored and centred around the children’s needs and interests. Learning at Alvaston Infant and Nursery School is exciting and all staff have the highest of standards. Experiences create a real climate for learning and this enhances education for all. Children are given time to discover and explore learning, and as a result, they confidently acquire and demonstrate their knowledge. The school recognises the importance of all stakeholders and the part we play in our community. We establish strong and successful relationships with parents, community members and institutions and strive to achieve excellence in all that we do.

Joined up Approach
In-year fair access
Behaviour Strategy
SEMH Strategy
Local Area SEND Strategy

Making a Difference
Improving commitment to learning
Promoting ‘stay put’ work
Reducing exclusions and suspensions
Increasing attendance and attainment