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History in our Curriculum

Mrs Ford is our History Lead

If you have any questions or would like any more information about History in our curriculum, please contact Mrs Doehrty on Class Dojo or on: ldoherty@alvastoni.derby.sch.uk

Our History critical friend is Governor is Mark Harrison.

Statement of Intent:

At Alvaston Infant and Nursery School, it is our intent for the History Curriculum to inspire our pupils to be curious about the past, in order that they begin developing their understanding of the chronology of key historical events, their awareness of changes over time, and a sense of where they stand within our world’s history. We want our children to ask and answer questions about the past, understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past and begin considering different ways in which the past is represented. We aim to equip our children with a wide and appropriate historical vocabulary to talk articulately about their learning, which is built upon as they progress through the school.

What Will I be Learning About?

When you start school, you will:

  • Discuss changes within your living memory e.g. from when you were a baby and how things may have changed over time.

  • Learn how lives may have been different in the past e.g. no cars.

  • Explore how things may change in the future and what you would like to change.

  • Understand that we have had a king or queen for a long time and they have helped to run the country. This is special for British people. 

  • Start to understand our British Values and know how they help people in Britain to live their lives now and in the future.

  • Compare your life to the lives of others e.g. your own likes / dislikes in the past and how this may differ for different people.

As you progress through our school, you will:

  • Learn about changes within living memory. This means you will explore the ways in which life has changed during the time of your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

  • Think about how transport has changed over the years by looking at steam trains, early cars and bicycles and comparing them with their modern counterparts. You will learn about Rolls Royce in our own locality and how it has influenced and impacted upon transport development and technology today.

  • Compare life in the Victorian period with life today through a study of Newstead Abbey and the children who lived there during the Victorian period (local history).

  • Find out about people who have contributed to national and international achievements, such as Queen Victoria and Charles Rolls and Sir Henry Royce.

  • Learn about The Great Fire of London, which is an event beyond living memory, and what impact the event had upon the future construction of buildings in London.

  • Explore how Alvaston, Derby and London have changed over time and possible reasons for this.

  • Learn about our monarchy and its significance and how special British Values are to our country.

  • Explore artefacts and primary and secondary sources of evidence to develop your curiosity and enable you to make observations and draw conclusions about the past.

Knowledge and Skills Progression:

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