SENDIASS provides free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support for parents, children and young people up to the age of 25 about Special Educational Needs & Disabilities.
(t): 01332 641414


Umbrella supports any family with a disabled child or young adult aged 5 to 30. Umbrella is able to support a child or young adult no matter what their disability as our services are person centred to meet individual needs.

Monday and Wednesday: 07889 214954
Tuesday and Thursday: 07708 898998
Friday: 07701 289703

Parent Carers Together

Parent Carers Together is a forum for Derby City - an independent, non-political, voluntary group of parents/carers who have children with a range of SEN & disability needs.

(t): 01332 643654

Autism Derby

Julie Fearn is an Independent Autism Advisor. Autism Derby is a midlands based company that offers packages of support around a child, young person or adult's individual needs. Services are available for individuals with a diagnosis of Autism or social communication difficulties. Support can be in the home, nursery, school or community based. Support is from Birth to 99.

(t): 07947840505


Specialist Teaching and Psychology Service

Supporting schools and families who have concerns about a child or young person with special educational needs or disabilities in your school/early years setting. STePS is made up of 2 teams:

Specialist Teaching Service (STS) provides support and advice for children and young people with sensory impairments, physical impairment, social communication and autism and children in the early years.

The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) provides statutory and non-statutory psychological advice to children and young people, parents, schools, early years settings (PVI) and the Local Authority.

For more information please contact us on:

(t): 01332 641400