SEND Interventions and Programmes of support

Talk Boost is a targeted and evidenced based intervention, which supports language delayed children to make significant progress with their language and communication skills. This is usually delivered to a small group by a class teaching assistant.

Speech and Language Link is a computer based assessment programme used to identify possible difficulties in speech (forming of sounds) or language (understanding and communication). After an initial assessment the programme creates a support programme tailored to meet the child’s specific speech and/or language needs.  These activities are then either carried out 1:1 or in small groups with the ELKLAN Speech Practitioner or by a class teaching assistant.

Every Child’s a Mover is a physical development programme that supports children with their movement and gross motor skills, fine motor skills and health and self-care.

Sounds Factory is given in addition to daily phonics lessons in class. Some children will receive extra phonics teaching via our Sounds Factory programme in the afternoons.  This is a 1:1 programme with a class teaching assistant.

1st Class @ Number is a maths intervention delivered by a class teaching assistant.  The children still take part in their normal class maths lessons, but have additional sessions in the afternoon.  This programme raise maths attainment and increases engagement. 

Physical Literacy is a daily exercise program to support the development of the core stability needed for successful development of fine motor skills.

Active Hands is a fine motor programme developed by an Occupational Therapist with specific hand activities to improve hand skills.

5 Minute Number Box is a multi-sensory teaching programme and maths resource.  It works in small steps from early recognition of numbers through to using tens and units, and includes resources for teaching concepts of time, measurement, money and shape.